Service Company Formation

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Company Formation Germany

Company Formation and Services

Company Formation and Services

Incorporation and corporate services world wide.

Trempel & Associates has been highly active in advising international companies on M & A activities in Germany and China. Russia will focus next since market development seams to improve. More and more investments from Russia and the GUS Republics are made within the EU and even british investments are on the move.

Based in the Heart of the European Continent, Trempel & Associates offers more than a law firm in the anglo-american jurisdictions. Since tax law advise and accounting praxis is part of the service, a full range of advise out of one hand can be offered.

Our advantage is the our background: A german lawyer still serves the client and not a government, tax authorities or police. We really do resist any intention of some states to control the service industry by illegal and semi-legal means.

Clients can trust us and our collegues in Germany as long as we are not abused by illegal activities which might harm the peaceful living together of people of various nationalities


Delivering the best for our clients is our intention and that means much for you.

Each attorney, tax advisor or certified consultant is expected to demonstrate at every opportunity the fundamental values that have guided Trempel & Associates to its clients via its services.

We are you strategic partner on your way to new markets, leveragin experience and expertise to provide innovative, responsive, and cost-effective solutions.

Professional Service

  • Formation of a german GmbH (Ltd.)

  • Recruitment of Management & Consultants, clients

  • Formation of off-shore company (world wide)

  • company secretary, director

  • Legal & Tax advice

  • Auditing, Accounting, Bookkeeping

  • Executive search & staff placement

  • Interpreter & translation (English, Chinese, Portugues, German, Russian)

  • Public relations

  • Seminar, Conference and Promotion

  • Negotiation of contracts

Secretarial Services

  • Business Address

  • Legal Adress

  • Resume preparation & distribution

  • Translation

  • English, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Portuguise, Russian Word processing

  • Facsimile

  • Reporting

  • Auditing

  • Accounting

  • Billing Service

  • PC/Laser Printer

  • Dictaphone

  • Overhear

  • Beamer

  • Mobile Phone

Special Services

  • Mobile & virtual office Service

  • Corporate Identity Service

  • Mailing & Address Service on demand

  • Tel./Fax Data Line & Transmission

  • Telefone Service

  • Postal Service

  • Messenger & Courier

  • Video Conferencing

  • Representation

International Network

Internationaler Warenkauf

Anmerkungen und Grundsätze zum Internationalen Warenkaufrecht - UNCITRAL/CISG

Newsletter abonnieren ?


Alle Fehler werden am Anfang einer Beziehung gemacht.


"Build, operate, transfer" - Ein Projektansatz von Trempel & Associates weltweit

EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und Daten 2018

Errichtung von Tochterfirmen

Incorporation world wide ? Please contact us by mail

Olympiainitiative 2008

Trempel & Associates haben die Initiative der Deutschen Wirtschaft für eine Beteiligung an Projekten in Beijing und Qingdao begründet. Siehe


Ein Joint-Venture sollte nur von "gleichen" Partnern mit gleichen Chancen und Erwartungen eingegangen werden.


International Secrecy & Confidentional Agreements: China, China, China, Taiwan, Vietnam & others

Cultural Due Diligence

Globalisierung bedeutet, auf jedem Markt der Welt zu hause zu sein. Dies setzt voraus, den örtlichen kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Gegebenheiten zu entsprechen oder es doch zumindest zu versuchen

Distribution world wide


z.B. in China - Marktsegment Automobilindustrie

Internationales Erbrecht

Trempel & Associates beraten Sie im internationalen Erbrecht: Erbrecht gemischt nationaler Ehepartner, Erbschaft im Ausland, Testamentsgestaltung, Erbverträge, Gemeinsame Testamente uvm.

The Firm



Markterfolg China

Investment in Germany

Inheritance Law

social networks


Kanzlei Trempel bei Facebook Kanzlei Trempel bei GooglePlus Kanzlei Trempel bei tumblr Kanzlei Trempel bei twitter Kanzlei Trempel bei XING

Sie erreichen uns..

telefonisch unter: 030-2124860
oder 01723116595.