Chinas Provinzen

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  • Hunan, which means "South of the Lake", is the main rice-growing area in China and the hometown of Mao Zedong, a great man of China. With the Xiang River runs through the province, Hunan boasts its abbreviated name "Xiang". Therefore, the Hunan Opera is called "Xiang Opera", Hunan Dishes called "Xiang Dishes" and Hunan culture called "Hu Xiang Culture".

  • Guangdong - is located in the southern part of the south China Sea, encompassing a total 179,766 square kilometers.

  • Guangxi - is located in the southern part of the country. It has an area of 240,100 square kilometers and is bordered by the provinces of Yunnan on the west, Guizhou on the north, Hunan on the northeast, and Guangdong on the southeast; the Gulf of Tonkin on the south; and Vietnam on the southwest. Guangxi is fruitful for travel resources and Guilin is one of the most celebrated scenic cities in China.

  • Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, established in 1947 as the first Chinese ethnic groups' autonomous region, is located in China's northern borderline, and occupies 1,180,000 square kilometers. Its capital is Hohhot, which means "the Green City" in Mongolian, and which has been designated as one of the state-listed production bases for ethnic groups special necessities.

  • Shaanxi - Situated in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, Shaanxi boasts tourists resources and is one of the birthplaces of Chinese culture. There are innumerous scenic spots and places of historical interest in Xi'an, the provincial capital, which served as the imperial capital for eleven dynasties. The mausoleum of Emperor Qin and the excavated Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses are the most famous ones.

  • Hainan Island, China's latest established province, lies on the same latitude as Hawaii, with a great climate and charming pace of life. This is a rich and prosperous province and the area now enjoys fame as one of China's most popular tourism destinations.

  • Jiangsu Province, located in middle east China, faces the East China Sea while the Yangtze River flows through it from the east to the west and finally reaches the sea. The province is rich in streams, rivers and lakes. The Grand canal runs from the north to the south. Low-lying, flat and wet, it is one of the most fertile and long-inhabited areas of China, dense in population and with plenty of sights of interest Jiangsu is known as Land of Fish and Rice.

  • Zhejiang Province lies on the southeast coast in East China and is well-known for its picturesque sceneries like green hills and clear waters. Famous as Fish and Rice Land, Zhe Jiang is a district with numerous cultural treasures, and is a dreamland for tourists.

  • Shanghai is one of the four municipalities under the direct jurisdiction of the central government. A leader in finance, industry and trade, Shanghai boasts the largest population - approximately 15 million - in all of China. Shanghai's history of revolution and culture attract tourists home and abroad. Being regarded as "Paris of China" and as the paradise for shopping, Shanghai has become an ideal city for tourism

  • Shandong Province is located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River in east China and its capital city is Jinan, which is famous as a "City of Springs". Shandong is where China's most revered thinkers and educators--Confucius was born and also one of the birthplaces of Chinese ancient culture. Mountain Tai and the Confucius sites in Qufu have been included in UNESCO's world heritage list.

  • Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region lies in the west inland of China and covers an area of 1.6 million square kilometers. It is the largest administrative region in China. Xinjiang is famous for its folk dances, fruits, gems, and carpets. Urumqi, Xinjiang's capital city, is the political, economic and cultural center of the region.

  • Yunnan Province lies in the southwest of China and borders on Burma, Laos and Vietnam to the south. Yunnan has one third of its population of national minorities. Many nationalities still practice old customs, such as Water-Splashing Festival, Torch Festival and Moon Market. Its capital city is Kunming - known as city of Spring.

  • Jiangxi - The province of Jiangxi has a long history and lots of places of interest. The city of Nanchang is the revolutionary center, and now the capital city of Jiangxi Province. Jingdezhen is famed as China's porcelain capital.

  • Guizhou is one of the most rewarding provinces to visit. Mountains and plateaus make up some 87% of Guizhou's topography, which has an average altitude of 1000m above sea level. The star attraction close to Guiyang is the Huangguoshu Waterfalls - the highest in China. The neighbourhood also presents many opportunities for hiking and stumbling around some of China's least-visited villages.

  • Hubei - The province of Hubei is the agricultural and geographic center of Han China. Scenic sites are scattered in three regions: Wuhan, the provincial capital, three gorges and the Three Kingdoms relics.

  • Hong Kong is one of the two Special Administrative Regions (SAR) in China and is East Asia's most extraordinary city. Its unique geographical position, special charming of the combination of the east and west cultures and its identity of tax free port make it a cosmopolitan, a tourism city and so called Shopping Heaven. Famous places include Ocean Park, Tian Tan Buddha and Shanding Plaza.

  • Gansu - Regarded as the outer limit of civilization since it was first brought under Chinese control in the Qin Dynasty (BC 221-206), Gansu province forms a natural corridor between Mongolia's Gobi Desert to the north and the Qilian Mountains of the Tibetan plateau to the south and west.

  • Qinghai (Green Sea) Province is situated in the northeast part of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where the Yangtze River and the Yellow River originate. The highway to Lhasa is asphalted, the highest highway in the world. Wild antelope, yak, donkeys, camels, lynx, deer and pheasant roam freely over the vast grass lands. Its capital city is Xining (Western Peace) and it has large lamaseries and mosques to offer.

  • Taiwan is shaped like a tobacco leaf and is 240 miles long and 85 miles wide. It is located 100 miles off the coast of southeastern mainland China. Lots of scenic spots around the whole island, including Seven-Star Volcano, hot springs of Yangming Hill and the Sun-Moon Lake.

  • Macau is located in the southeast of China, to be more precisely, on the western bank of the Pearl River Delta. It lies 38 nautical miles (70 kilometers) from Hong Kong and some 145 kilometers from Guangzhou.

  • The province of Henan is located in the central-east part of China and the lower - middle reaches of the Yellow River. Henan is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilizations and it has in its history over twenty kingdoms and dynasties which had their respective capitals in its territory, of which Luoyang and Kaifeng are two of the six great ancient capitals of China. There are abundant resources for the tourism of history, culture and religions such as Longmen Grottoes, White Horse Temple, Shaolin Monastery, Mt. Songshan (one of the five sacred mountains in China), Tombs of Song Dynasty, etc.

  • Chongqing is essentially a mountainous city, surrounded on all sides by steep hills which keep the fog and mist in the basin. The Yangtze and Jialing Rivers embrace the downtown area here however, providing light relief from the industrial city views prevalent throughout most of the area. With 300 developed scenery spots, Chongqing altogether owns 1300 scenery spots, including 4 nationwide important spots, 6 national cultural relic protection units and 1100 municipal cultural relic protection units.

  • Tianjin lies in the northeast of the North China Plain and borders the Bohai Sea. The city is separated by the Haihe River flowing through the urban area of the city. Tianjin is one of the four municipalities of China directly under the central government jurisdiction.

  • Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, one of the five autonomous regions in China, and the smallest of all provinces in China, is situated in the west of the Great Bend of the Yellow River. Hui people make up about thirty percent of the tiny four million population, the remainder comprising mainly Han. Its capital city is Yinchuan, the political, economic, and cultural center of the region, and also a famous historical and cultural city.

  • Sichuan Province is the largest province in China and it also has the largest population with almost 100 million people. It is situated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Due to its rich natural resources, Sichuan is referred to as the "heavenly Kingdom".

  • Liaoning borders sea to its south and Korea to its southeast. Liaoning is the birthplace of Man, and the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty. The capital city of Liaoning is Shenyang. Main tourist attractions are located mainly in Shenyang, Xingcheng and Dalian.

  • Heilongjiang Province is situated in the northeast border area and is the coldest province in China. Heilongjiang has a vast territory, rich produce and long border lines. Scattered on its land are boundless forests, immense grasslands and rivers and lakes.

  • Fujian Province, with Fuzhou as its provincial capital, lies in the south eastern China, facing Taiwan across the Straits and bordering Zhejiang Province, Jiangxi Province and Guangdong Province. It covers a land area of 124, 600 square kilometers, and 136, 000 square kilometers in sea area, and has a population of 32,820,000.

  • Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Tibet is known as "Roof of the World". The highest peak of Tibet, also the highest in Himalayas and in the whole world, is Everest Peak, which is as high as 8,846.27 meters above sea level.

  • Anhui - With a long history, Anhui owns 15 places of interests which belong to national main cultural relic protection units, 331 places of interests which belong to provincial cultural relic protection units, 3 national famous historical culture cities and 11 provincial famous historical culture cities.

  • Hebei was one of the earliest developed regions in China. It has taken an important place in Chinese history.

  • Shanxi, situated in the eastern part of the Huangtu Plateau in north China, is one of the cradles of earliest civilization. The province borders the Yellow River to the west and the Taihang Mountain to the east. Shanxi is famous for its natural resources, among which coal is the most abundant one, and it accounts for one third of China's coal deposits.

  • Jilin - meaning in Man language "along the river", is situated in the central part of the Northeast China. It borders on Korea and Russia. The weather here is cold. There are many tourist attractions including the Changbai Mountain, Songhua River, Yalu River, Tumen River and many other scenic spots. Jilin Province is also an industrial base with automobile industry, chemical industry, electric power industry and forestry. The capital city is Changchun, which is also known as "the movie city" and "the automobile city".

  • Beijing - As the capital of China, Beijing has a history of over 3000 years. She is the center of China's politics, culture, science, commerce, international interchanging, etc. At the same time, she has reserved her ancient view, so she is also famous for touring. There are various scenic spots in Beijing, many of them are very famous. Following, you can not only have a general understanding of those famous spots, but also have a virtual tour to these places.


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