Eberhard J. Trempel

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Eberhard J. Trempel

RA Eberhard J. Trempel

RA Eberhard J. Trempel

Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht, Wirtschaftspate und seit Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Beratung von Arztpraxen beratend tätig.

born Berlin, Germany, September 13, 1955; admitted 1986, certified tax lawyer since 1992, Berlin; Education: Freie Universität Berlin. Stage 1985/86: Camara de Industria e Commercio Brasil-Alemanha Sao Paulo (Brasil); Author: Das Exportförderungssystem Brasiliens (Export-Promotion in Brasil), Schriftenreihe der Deutsch-Brasilianischen Handelskammer, Sao Paulo, Brasil; China Handbook, Berlin, 1985; 1987, 1991; Investment Handbook Vietnam, Berlin 1992; Investment in Germany, Berlin, 1992. Personal Membership: German-Chinese Lawyers Association; German-Japanese Lawyers Association, German Bar Association; Representative of the German Asia Pacific Business Association (Member of the Asia Pacific Council of the German Industry) in the State of Brandenburg and the german capital.
Corporate Law, Corporate Finance, Commercial Law, Industrial Property Law, Real Eastate Law, Ligitation and Arbitration, European Community Law, International Law, Unfair Competition, Investments, Mergers & Acquisition, International and Domestic Tax Law, Accounting and Auditing, International Construction, Joint Venture Contracts, Controlling, Marketing audit, Management Consulting, Corporate Financing, Reorganisation.

The Firm



Markterfolg China

Investment in Germany

Inheritance Law

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telefonisch unter: 030-2124860
oder 01723116595.
E-Mail: info@trempel.de