Introduction of Dhir & Dhir

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Business scope

The opening up and liberalisation ofthe Indian economy, increase in Foreign Direct Investment, entry of multinationals in various sectors like IT-Telecom/Power, increase in competition, liberalisation of the export and import policy, breakdown of trade barriers in terms of WTO commitments have thrown up immense challenges and opportunities for the commercial world; The liberalisation process has alsQ resultedin enactment and proposal to enact new laws and amendments to existing statutes.New laws for Information Technology, Electricity, Telecom, Convergence,Competition, Foreign Exchange Management, Money laundering, Environment etc. have either been enacted or have been introduced in the Parliament.

In the dynamic and fast changing environment both domestically and internationally,the role of the legal community becomes very critical and important.In the changed circumstances it has to transform itself from being a litigation oriented to an advisor andconsultant in not only legal but also financial, technical, economic and commerciaf matters. It is now required to act as a catalyst and play a positive role in the growth and development of not only domestic but also international trade and commerce and the legal system: It is towards meeting these objectives that Dhir & Dhir Associates (D&D) have, under one roof, pooled in mental resources and capabilities of hard core multidisciplinary professionals to provide top of the rung legal advice and consultancy as also a strong litigation team to their clients.

D & D is a full. service, fully integrated Law Firm specialising in areas of law relating to Corporates, Foreign Investment, Taxation, Intellectual Property Rights, Electricity, Telecom, Convergence, Competition, Corporate Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Anti- Dumping and Banking. In these areas D&D is providing speedy,responsive, reliable, credible and success oriented solutions to its clients with its spread all over the country and abroad through affiliate relationship with other. associate law firms with capability of Interacting and dealing with its clients Intheir own language through its team of multilingual professional.

The Firm



Markterfolg China

Investment in Germany

Inheritance Law

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