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Network India

Being a member of the following, he has evinced avid interest in their pursuits:

  • Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)Associated Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ASSOCHAM)

  • Independent Power Producers Association of India

  • Management Committee of INSOL India

  • Inter Pacific Bar Association, Tokyo.

  • Indo American Chamber of Commerce

  • Indo German Chamber of Commerce

  • Ms. Maneesha Dhir, Senior Partner, is a Post Graduate in Mathematics from St.Stephens' College, Delhi and Graduate in Law from the University of Delhi. She specialises in Corporate matters and laws relating to Information Technology and WTO related Commercial Laws. In legal practice, she has track record of success for over 10 years. She is also on the Panel of the Union of India in the Delhi High Court. Ms. Dhir is also a member of Association/Chambers of Commerce and other professional bodies.

  • Mr. j.P. Sharma, an Associate of the Firm, is a Law Graduate having practical exposure to Corporate Taxation along with his association with policy-making bodies regarding Taxation for the last 30 years. His expertise lies in Corporate Taxation &Tax Management.

  • Mr. V.K. Chopra, an Associate of the Firm, is an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta and a Law Graduate. He was enrolled as a Member of theDelhi Bar Council in 1964. Prior to his present assignment, for 3 decades he served with State Bank of India including SBI Capital Markets limited thus, acquiring professional skills in Credit Appraisal, Merchant Banking & legal aspects of commercial transactions. He has been actively associated with various committees of the Independent Power Producers Association of India (IPPA/).

  • Mr. Rajib Roy, an Assoc1ate of the Firm. Had academic attainments from London School of Economics. He specialises in Corporate & Commercial law. Prior to his present association with D & D, he worked with top European Law Firms.

  • Mr. j.S. Ahluwalia, an Associate of the Firm, is a Law Graduate. He has over 28years of experience in the Banking Industry. He joined the Bar in 1970. His area of specialization is in laws relating to Corporate Insolvency, Sick Companies and their rehabilitation and joint ventures.

  • Mr. Girish Vasishtha, an Associate ofthe Firm, is a Post Graduate in Humanities has over 27 years of experience in Commercial Lending and Project Financing through the major period of his career with the State Bank of India.

  • Mr. Nilesh Sharma, an Associate of the Firm, is a Chartered Accountant with over 10 years of experience. He specialises in Tax laws, viability studies, Corporate restructuring and Project financing. Besides, he has gained good grounding in Mergers, Takeovers., an Associate of the Firm, is a Chartered Accountant. He has extensive experience in Auditing, Taxation and Finance. He is focused on Revival strategies for Corporates & Mergers, Take overs, De-mergers.

  • Mr. C.S. Gupta

Other Associates of the firm are Mr. Gopal jee j ha, Ms. jaya Sharma, Ms. Sangeeta Rana and Ms. Mona Johns, who are young Law Graduates and Members of the Bar Council. They are a great resource support in resolving legal requirements of our clients. All of them are high I y skilled having a wide spectrum of expertise and are essential to our legal experts.
For financial matters, the Firm is richly drawing support from young Associates, Mr. Sharad & Dhiraj the former is an M.B.A. and the latter is in the making. Their contribution is in no way insignificant.
Members of our para legal staff render help in ensuring prompt, efficient and cost effective service to our clients.
Besides above, the Firm has a Research Wing where young Law Graduates undertake studies in niche areas of various laws with a focus on emerging trends. For example, this wing has rivetted attention on Electricity, Cyber and Information Technology, Competition and Convergence laws etc.
In its pursuit for EXCELLENCE in Legal & Financial matters and to ensure qualitative & satisfying services to its esteemed clients, the Firm has support from retired Judges, Bureaucrats, Financial Experts and Economists who have an enriched experience in legal, Economic, financial and Commercial matters.

The Firm



Markterfolg China

Investment in Germany

Inheritance Law

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