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General Agreement on Tariffs and Irade (GATT)

The GATT lays down the principles to be followed by the member countries forimposition of anti-dumping and countervailing duties and safeguard measures, pursuant to GATT, 1994 detailed guidelines have been prescribed under the specifice agreements which have also been incorporated in the national legislation of member countries of the WTO. Indian Laws were amended with effect from 01.01.1995 tobring them in line with the provisions of the representative GATT Agreements. The legal framework in regard to Anti-Dumping is contained in Article VI of GATT,1994, Customs Tariff Act, 1975 and the Anti-Dumping Rules 1995. The interpretation of these laws and the imposition of Anti-Dumping duties through the Designated Authority has gained a great deal of significance in today's context in order to prevent threats to the domestic industry from cheap imports. Owing to our expertisein the integrated field of Legal & Financlaf, we have an edge in interpreting and understanding laws, procedures pertain Log to anti-dumping.

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